Why Slack should clear message notification?

Ercan Vural
2 min readOct 2, 2020

When there are unread messages in Slack, red dot appears on icon which is at the right side of taskbar.

Ideal way of this would be cleaning icon when user opens the application. And bringing it back when new message comes after that. I will explain the reason with user case from my daily routine:

  1. I open computer.
  2. Slack works as a default.
  3. I see red dot and open the Slack window.
  4. I see that there are 2 people wrote me.
  5. I check the messages but do not want to reply instantly.
  6. I do not make them read because I do not want to forget to answer.
  7. I close the window and red dot is still there. Now I can not know if any new message comes, so I have to check it again.
  8. Opposite to the sixth step, I make them read but I need to remember that I should reply. But I do not have any deadline. It is enough for me if I just see the message next time.
  9. Still I set reminder in Slack, which is not practical doing it everytime. Reminder message comes and cycle repeats.
  10. Instead of setting reminder, let’s say I take a note in my tasklist, which costs me more time and distraction.
  11. If red dot disappears, I will understand when new message comes and also I will not need to make those mesages read.
  12. On the bigger application icon, number of message is visible but then I will need to remember that number to understand if there is something new.

This improvement can be confusing for some users. I just think that it should be part of settings.

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