How to use slack effectively?


Ercan Vural
3 min readDec 5, 2020
  • Slack is a very valuable information and feedback channel that continuously needs an optimization and careful usage. Otherwise, it becomes a tool that only distracts you.
  • I say it is valuable because if you take care of each piece of text, eventually it provides you a good overview about how things are going on in the company.
  • We have to use this tool, so it is better to use it in an optimal way.


1. We should start with an assumption that the number of urgent messages coming from Slack is too low. And most of the time, those urgent ones can wait even 1 hour. If you get many messages that require instant actions, it means that Slack is already a big part of your job, so this is another story.

2. There should be a dedicated time span to check Slack messages in fully concentrated way. It is not a good idea to check it every time when a new message comes. Like that way, we interrupt our current work a lot and completely distracted.

3. Imagine that now it is a time to check Slack messages. For every message type, one of the actions below should be done, depending on the context:

a. Read only (channel): There are some messages that do not require your action but still provides valuable information about how things are going on. Those information become valuable when they are cumulated and connected to each other at some point. So you should read them carefully, but that’s all.

b. Read and quit (channel): There are some messages that are very irrelevant to you, and you realize that it starts to repeat in that channel. So it is better to leave that channel. It means that you do not need it.

c. Read and mute (channel): Messages are relevant, but you do not have to know them instantly. So it is better to mute this channel and visit there from time to time to check things. One of the best example for that kind of channels are the ones that people share articles.

d. Read and fast action (private or channel): Sometimes you only need to answer, like providing a specific information (password, access, etc.), or there is very small task to-do. You should do it instantly. Otherwise, it will cause distraction for the future.

e. Read but slow action (private or channel): In this case, it is better to inform that you will take care of it. But you have to add it to your task list. Do not use Slack reminder, because it will push you to a vicious cycle. Because then you will get another message from Slack.

f. Wrong usage of the direct message: It is better to discuss things in public channel when it is not really specific to you. So in this case, directing person to forward that message to the proper public channel would be the best option.

g. Irritating channel mentions: There are people that mention everyone in the channel for not critical stuff. You or someone have to warn that user so that it will not be repeated.

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