How to use Index / Match formula in Google Sheets?

Ercan Vural
2 min readFeb 5, 2021


  • Imagine that you have multiple tables in Google sheet and you want to bring data from one of the tables, to your main table, in a separated column.
  • As an example, let’s say you have one table including car names with their prices and another table that includes car names with engine powers.
  • You want to bring engine powers to the third column on the first table so that you will see both price and power at the same time for a specific car.
  • You can not do it manually if there are many records in tables.


Example sheet:

  • Make sure that car names are identical in both tables.
  • Go the first cell of the column that you want to bring data, in the example sheet, it is C2.
  • Implement this formula template: =index(X, MATCH(Y,Z,0))
  • X: Write the cell range where you want to bring data, in our example it is G:G, because we want to bring power values from the second table, so we will look for value from column G. And G:G will do the search in whole column.
  • Y: Select the cell that includes parameters that you will match (map) in other table. In our case it is A2, because we will bring value by mapping car name, for that specific cell.
  • Z: Select the cell range where you want to look for value that will be mapped. So in this case it will be F:F. Because we will search the car name in A2, in the whole F column.
  • So basically formula says that, check G column, and bring the value when A2 is identical with any cell in F column.

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