How to build interactive graphs in Google Data Studio

Ercan Vural
2 min readJan 3, 2020



  • Interactive graphs let you to filter other graphs in same page by clicking on one unit on a specific graph.

i.e. First graph shows your monthly revenues and second one shows revenues by country. With interactive graphs, when you click on bar for October in first graph, countries in second graph will show revenues only for October.

  • Eventually it lets you to play around graphs very practically and to go deeper about numbers by just clicking on correct units.
  • Similar with first example, you could first click on specific country, then first graph would show monthly revenues for that country only.


  • Let’s say we want to have 3 graphs which will give scoring insights about England Premier League:
    a. Monthly total goals
    b. Total goals by team
    c. Total goals by player
  • Whole data must be in one table. And in each row you have to include 3 variables at the same time. Example:
  • Now connect your spreadsheet as a data source to your google data studio dashboard, and add 3 bar charts (as an example) for each variable: Month, Team, Player. Example below is for players:
  • For other 2 graphs, you just need to change Dimension, by keeping metric as a Goal.
  • Then for each graph you need to enable Apply Filter option:

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